Monday, September 12, 2011

First Frost on the Horizon

Our first taste of Fall weather has come and gone... Persistent sunshine gradually warmed away that crisp early autumn feel from just a few days ago. Now we are forecasting summer heat and temps in the 90's to start this week. A quick glance at the upcoming weeks leading into Bow Season in Iowa reveal some really wild swings! We're likely going to go from 90s to 30s almost every week! While initially it will come as a shock to the system, we still expect these changes to happen in Fall.

Oddly enough people respond predictably to sudden changes in weather. We break out the jackets, turn up the heater's for the first time of the year, and we increase our outdoor activity. Simply, we react to the environment, and animals do too! If you have outdoors pets, you'll see this firsthand. In the summertime, animals are less active during the daytime. No surprise, they're wearing a heavy, warm coat... all the time. So when we get these first sharp blasts of cooler, refreshing air, animals move around more in the daylight hours because they are able to exert more energy without overheating. They also get downright playful and their reaction to cooler weather is often fun and exciting to watch unfold.

We're about to see this reaction as two wild swings in pressure followed by the coldest air so far this season... and yes, even freezing temperatures invade the state! If my forecast holds, Thursday morning could be the first widespread frost this fall for many north of I-80! This would be unseasonably cold and about 3 weeks ahead of schedule for the average first frost (see picture above). The rest of us should see temperatures bombing out in the 30s and 40s for morning lows! I'm expecting to see a sharp increase in activity on the trail camera's this week probably starting around the 13th and 14th. Now that the velvet is off, I expect bucks in their respective bachelor packs to start testing each other, sizing up their competition!

Chilly weather is on the horizon, but it will sure warm up your spirits for this Fall season!

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