Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer's Still Here, but the Clock is Ticking 'Til Hunting Season

It's that time again, time to get ready for hunting season! Dust off the guns and bows, battery up the trail cameras, check the tree stands and scout where you can! The first season is mere days away with Iowa's first Mourning Dove season since 1918 which starts September 1st. Cottontail rabbit and squirrel season is just 2 days later on the 3rd and Youth Deer season kicks off September 17th.

For the rest of us, the big date is October 1st - the start of Archery Deer season. Between now and then there is a lot we can do to prepare and make the most out of the start of season. When it's hot, it can be the last thing you want to do, but preparing food plots and hanging tree stands early can often increase your odds of not disturbing deer patterns. One of the great things about pre-season scouting and early season hunting: deer are relatively predictable.

Diligent glassing and exploring your hunting grounds can really pay off this time of year! Deer are creatures of habit, and they will generally stick to patterns if they are undisturbed. So you can really put yourself in good position opening day if you do your homework now! But Whitetail are also intrepid survivors able to engage their instincts to evade danger. So it's very important to watch how much activity you do in the deer woods during the warm season. Everyone sweats when it's hot, and that can really leave a scent trail, broadcasting to the deer exactly where you've been. To pattern the deer without the deer patterning you, it takes some skillful scent control. I use deodorizing scent sprays, but I also use mother nature. Scouting before, during or after a rain can be a very helpful way of reducing your scent trail!

I'll have much more on pre-season strategy and how this weather effects the deer movements and behaviors in future posts. Until then, it's time to rouse from the summer routine and prepare for hunting season! Happy scouting!

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