Monday, July 25, 2011

Slow it Down for Summer Fishing

The dog days of summer are upon us, and the heat is really on! We've had about half the month of July in the 90s or higher, and the extreme temperatures can be just as hard on the fish as the fisherman. But when the late afternoon sun begins to get low in the sky, and the evening temperatures become more tolerable, some of the best fishing of the summer season can be found on Iowa's waterways!

Escape the heat on top! Top water lures are a classic for warm water, active feeding fish! I like to use poppers or frogs, but a mos mouse is also quite effective. Pinpoint those holes in the mos and target 2-4' deep flats that are right next to deep water access. A thick mat of moss can really keep the water cool in an isolated pocket which can be perfect for a lunker patiently waiting next to some open water. You can also use a weightless worm either hooked normally, or hooked through the mid-section. Flip it right into the small openings in the moss, and watch your line!

Own the night! Night fishing, especially for the first few hours after sunset, can be especially productive. I like to use large, black lures like an 8-10" plastic worm or a large crank bait with substantial action. Fish it slow. Trolling can be deadly effective, especially if you have a graph. 8-14' of water seems to be a favorite band for active summer fish. If you don't have a boat, shore fishing is still effective. Try fishing live bait from a bobber, adjusting the depth every 10 minutes from 2' to 4' to 6' and so on. Once you find a depth where fish are feeding, stick to it and reel in the rewards!

My next post will include another park of the week, and later on we'll talk about classic catfishing strategies for the summertime. I know it's hot out, and it can be hard to get motivated to be outside, but sometimes hot weather means hot fishing action. Enjoy!

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