Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Storm is Brewin'

I've almost always observed more movement ahead of a storm, so the deer movement should be getting better, right? Well, not exactly... thanks to one thing- warm temperatures. Friday will start off clear and cool, and the morning should be a good one to hunt. But like we've seen many times this past month, the air will warm way up pushing highs into the 70s. The sky will fill with clouds by the evening, and it will look like a storm's moving in to you and the deer. So, I'll bet evening activity is still good even though it's warm. The problem comes this weekend, when most folks can actually get out and enjoy the woods. A big slug of moisture will swing in and that means rain chances, which can be good. But since the storm is moving up from the south, it will be dragging warm and humid air kicking and screaming up from the Gulf of Mexico (where it has been vacationing for the last 4 weeks) and planting it in Iowa. So despite having clouds and showers, the warm, sticky humidity will accompany this storm, and that might in turn slow activity down for the weekend. But get out there anyways and prove me wrong! A ground blind on Saturday morning would be a smart choice ;-)
Deercast for Friday:
Sky:          Rise; Scattered Clouds Noon; Few Thin     Set; Mostly Cloudy
Temp:       Rise; 38-43                 Noon; 65-69           Set; 66-69
Wind:        Rise; SE 4-7               Noon; S-SE 6-12    Set; SE 5-8
Pressure:   Rise; Steady Hi           Noon; Falling Hi       Set; Falling Hi

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